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On September 21-22, 2019, the most comprehensive conference dedicated to gay men who want to have children is returning to Brussels in an extended format and a new venue!

MHB is once again teaming up with several European partners to offer a comprehensive parenting conference in 2019. The fifth annual Brussels Conference will once again provide unbiased advice on surrogacy in the USA and Canada, and adoption of children from the USA. New this year are also international Advocacy and Research Forums for surrogacy and LGBT parenting.

Surro Connections is once again teaming up with MHB and several European partners to offer a comprehensive parenting conference in 2019. The fifth annual Brussels Conference will once again provide unbiased advice on surrogacy in the USA and Canada, and adoption of children from the USA. New this year are also international Advocacy and Research Forums for surrogacy and LGBT parenting.

To accommodate the growing interest, the 2019 conference will be held at the spacious The Hotel, where out of town attendees will also be able to benefit from a discounted group rate. This year, the conference will offer in-depth medical and budgeting advice, and an even wider range of relevant service providers than before; as well as discuss ethical surrogacy practices, and the evolving positions of major European LGBT family groups about the subject.



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Agenda in brief

(more details soon)

Saturday, September 21:

  • 8:15-9:00: Registration
  • 9:00-9:15: Overview of parenting options available to European gay men, including surrogacy and adoption options in the USA and Canada
  • 9:15-10:30: Planning your parenting journey – major legal, medical and financial considerations  
  • 10:30-11:00: Coffee Break (sponsored by Simple Surrogacy)
  • 11:00-12:30: Picking providers, budgeting and financial assistance (GPAP)
  • 12:30-13:00: Q&A session: The Gay Parenting Assistance Program (GPAP)
  • 13:00-14:30: Lunch and gay parenting resource fair – tables of surrogacy and adoption agencies, clinics, lawyers and community organizations. (sponsored by San Diego Fertility Center)
  • 14:30-16:30: Breakout sessions – learn more about the surrogacy and adoption providers.
  • 16:30-17:30: Expo / coffee break (sponsored by Worldwide Surrogacy Specialists)
  • 17:30-18:15: Personal stories panel – hear from several surrogates and European parents (sponsored by California Fertility Partners).
  • 18:15-19:30: A mindful look at surrogacy – Psychological and Ethical aspects.
  • 19:30: Happy Hour for parents / prospective parents (sponsored by California Fertility Partners and Growing Generations).

Sunday, September 22:

  • 8:30-9:00: Registration
  • 9:00-10:30: Expert panel: Medical aspects of surrogacy (Sponsored by American Fertility Services)
  • 10:30-10:45: Coffee Break
  • 10:45-11:45 Expert panel: Insurance & Budgeting issues (sponsored by ART Risk)
  • 11:45-12:45: Country-specific expert panels: Local and North American legal experts and peer advice on surrogacy for French, Belgians, the Dutch, Germans and prospective parents from the rest of Europe (UK, Ireland, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, etc.)

Additional information:

  • Please note that the conference will be mostly in English, some in French, but we will have simultaneous interpretation to French, German and Dutch at all of the main sessions.
  • Conference attendees are eligible for a discount on accommodation at The Hotel.
  • Attendees can also book private consultations for Saturday afternoon or Sunday with the clinics and agencies who will be in Brussels for the conference (also at the The Hotel).

Note: while the event is organized by gay parenting organizations, non-gay prospective parents are welcome and will no doubt highly benefit from it as well.
